print section reserved words
The following Quiz reserved words are used primarily in the print section of the Quiz pad.
P – print section of the big five.
C – chart section.
Reserved word | Description | Use |
as | print { field1 ” –“ field2 } as “fld1” field3 at “fld1” the first value we are printing is a combination of field1 and field2. We want to print field3 in the same column under the combination. Use the as word argument to give an alias to the combo field, “fld1”. The alias can be any literal value. Then “fld1” identifies the combo anywhere on the pad. |
P |
at @ |
print field1 size “30” field2 at field1 print field3 size “30” field4 size “100” at field3 + 5 print field5 size “30” as “fld5” field6 size “100” at “fld5” field1 sets the width of the column. field2 prints under field1 at the same starting position and defaults to the same width as field1. If there is a size argument for field2 then field2 will print under field1 across all the columns from the beginning of field1 to the width of field2. field4 prints at field3 with an indent of 5 characters. field5 has an alias “fld5”. field4 can use the alias at “fld5”. |
P |
column heading begin end |
print field1 label begin “Inventory” label2 “field1” field2 label2 “field2” field3 label2 “field3” label end Quiz supports two rows of column headers — label and label2. If you want the top row to span multiple label2 columns, use label begin with the top caption and label end on the last label2 column. The caption “Inventory” from label begin will be centered between the begin and end fields. (See: Print – Column Headings). |
P |
bold | print field1 bold group field2 bold field1 with bold text. field2 axis labels with bold text |
P C |
borderbottom | print field1 borderbottom field1 with border drawn on bottom of row column |
P |
borderbox box |
print field1 borderbox field1 with border drawn around row column |
P |
boxshaded shadebox |
print field1 boxshaded field1 with shaded box and border drawn around row column |
P |
borderleft | print field1 borderleft field1 with border drawn on left of row column |
P |
borderright | print field1 borderright field1 with border drawn on right of row column |
P |
bordershaded shaded shade |
print field1 bordershaded field1 with shaded box (no border) drawn around row column |
P |
bordertop | print field1 bordertop field1 with border drawn on top of row column |
P |
break subtotal |
print field1 break prints field1 on a separate line and prints a subtotal for all columns marked with total that belong to field1. (See: Print — Break) |
P |
caption cap |
print field1 break caption “CUS: *” print field1 count caption “Count of: *” used with break to label sub-totals (See: Print — Break) and count which prints at the end of the report (See: Print — Count). The asterisk is replaced with the value of field1. |
P |
center | print field1 center centers field1 within its column |
P |
color | print field1 color blue print field2 color= red print field3 color blue break color red group field4 bar color blue prints field1 with color argument. The color argument (“blue” / “red”) must be a dictionary item. The equal sign is optional. In the third example, field3 will print in blue and the break sub-totals will print in red. The field4 example sets the color of the bars in a bar chart. |
P C |
first | print field1 summarize on first filters field1 to print the first value (See: Print — Summarize) |
P C |
font | print field1 font “Calibri” group field2 font “Calibri” sets the text font for field1. Quiz will display an error if the font is not available on the PC printing the report. For a chart, the font is used for the legend and the axis labels. |
P C |
header | print field1 header forces field1 to print on a separate line starting on the left margin whenever field1 changes value. The header can also print over a specific column. Multiple headers can be used as sub-column headings. (See: Print — Header) |
P |
high largest |
print field1 summarize on high filters field1 to print the highest value (See: Print — Summarize) |
P C |
italic | print field1 italic group field2 italic field1 with italic text. field2 axis labels with italic text |
P C |
last | print field1 summarize on last filters field1 to print the last value (See: Print — Summarize) |
P C |
left | print field1 left left justifies field1 within its column |
P |
low smallest |
print field1 summarize on low filters field1 to print the lowest value (See: Print — Summarize) |
P C |
lowpos | print field1 summarize on lowpos filters field1 to print the lowest positive (greater than zero)value (See: Print — Summarize) |
P C |
mask using |
print field1 mask “##,###.##-“ print date1 mask “##-##-####” formats field1, date1 (See: Print — Mask) |
P C |
nocaption nocap |
print field1 break nocaption used with break to suppress printing of sub-total captions. (See: Print — Break) |
P |
nolabel | print field1 nolabel suppress printing of column label for field1 |
P |
noprint | print field1 noprint count caption “Total *” seems like an oxymoron, but sometimes you want to use the values of a field for other purposes. In the above example we want a count of field1 at the end of the report, but don’t want to print field1 on the report. |
P |
norepeat | print field1 norepeat don’t repeat printing the field unless it changes value |
P |
on | print field1 repeat on field2 on field3 print field1 summarize on field2 on field3 count on field1 on field2 on field3 multiple condition for print action (See: Print — Repeat, Print — Summarize and Print — Count). |
P |
order | print date1 mask “##-##-####” order “abcfghij” the mask can be used to format the variable as in date1. But, you can use order for any field. The positions of the characters in the order argument (“abcdefghij…”) match the character position of date1 12-31-2013 producing 12-2013. I know… weird. |
P |
page | print field1 page print field2 page “2” print field3 repeat on page there are three cases for page. field1 will start a new page whenever it changes value. field2 will start a new page if there are less than two lines left on the current page. field3 will repeat at the top of the new page (in italic) if its value has not changed. |
P |
The primary word that introduces the print section. | P | |
repeat | print field1 repeat on field2 sets conditions to print the same value of field1. repeat requires at least one on modifier. (See: Print — Repeat). |
P |
reverse | print field1 mask “##,###.##-“ reverse where the data value field1 is negative and you want to print it as positive, reverses the sign. |
P C |
right | print field1 right right justifies field1 within its column |
P C |
size | print field1 size “25” forces the column width of field1 to “25” characters |
P C |
skip | print field1 skip print a blank line after the current line whenever field1 prints. |
P |
space | print field1 space “10” print field2 space “10” label ” —— “ space will generate a blank column after field1 10 characters wide. Without a label as in field2 the column header is completely blank. |
P |
spread | print field1 spread “5” sets the space between columns. The default spacing is about one character. spread is a persistent action. All of the following columns — up to another spread action will be separated by the spread argument, in this case 5 characters. |
P |
summarize | print field1 summarize on field2 sets conditions to print the accumulated value of field1. summarize requires at least one on modifier. (See: Print — Summarize). |
P C |
suppress | print field1 mask “##,###.##-“ suppress used for numeric type fields. if field1 is zero, then leave the column blank — don’t print anything. |
P |
table | print type1 table some fields can be rather cryptic, like a transaction type in Accounts Receivable. The type1 value may be “P” meaning “Payment”. The Quiz dictionary has a section for these corresponding values. Use the table word to cause the report to print “Payment” instead of “P”. The column width will be automatically set to the widest value in the table. |
P C |
total | print amt1 total print amt2 summarize on field1 total chart amt3 group date1 legend total totals will print at break levels and at the end of the report and at the end of a chart legend. |
P C |
underline | print field1 underline underlines field1 |
P |
wrap | print note1 size “45” wrap normally if a field contains more characters than its column width, the remaining characters are truncated. The wrap word allows you to print a large field within its column width. The program will split the field into segments that will fit in the column and print them one at a time on separate lines. |
P |
year | print date1 year using “####” print date2 month year using “##-####” print date3 year month using “####-##” usually used with month. The mask determines 2 or 4 digit year. date1 = 2013; date2 = 12-2013; date3 = 2013-12 |
P C |
Page 1 — Quiz words
Page 2 — Operators
Page 3 — Where words
Page 4 — Print words
Page 5 — Sort words
Page 6 — Chart words
Page 7 — Expression words
Page 8 — System words
Page 9 — Global words
Next – sort words >